Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Boboli Gardens

Hello Again...
This weekend I tagged along with my roommate Rachel and went to the "Boboli Gardens." To my surprise this was not much of a garden, meaning I expected to see exotic flowers everywhere ! It was still a nice place to see nevertheless. It was very green I could say, with lots of interesting statues. The view of the city was beautiful from the garden though , you could overlook the town and see the Duomo perfectly. I got my workout in since it was a pretty hilly place, but worth it. After all this walking and photo taking we worked up an apetite. We were going to stop and get a gelatto , but we decided to get some real food. Gusta Pizza was on the way home so why not ? We shared a pizza for 5 euros which is pretty good, and plus they made it in a heart shape for us :).
Here is the link for the Boboli Gardens...


1 comment:

  1. I think boboli gardens is nice ... the heart shaped pizza is great
