Sunday, October 14, 2012

Church in The Duomo

Buongiorno a tutti ,
Happy Sunday everyone !!! Today was an interesting day...lastnight my roommates decided that we wanted
To go to a church service. We woke up and made it for the 9 am service. We went inside of the Duomo for church.Just imagine how beautiful the church was inside ! It was very nice inside the ceiling murals were gorgeous! Before service started a visiting priest came over and talked to my roommate and I. He noticed we were new faces and asked where we were from, he spoke in Italian. Which means I could not understand everything he was saying lol, But I did pick up a few things all I know is he was happy to see us ! I looked over and seen this man talking to a couple a few rows across from where I was sitting. He chatted with the man and woman and a few seconds later I noticed him giving them baskets...they now became the collectors! All I could think was thank you God for not letting him choose me ! How funny would that have been? The service began and I realized everything was going to be in Italian...I guess I realized this but I never really realized it haha. There was no bibles, just programs. So I tried my best to follow along. There was two priests that were alternating during the service. A few times I was able to repeat some phrases. I just felt proud of myself to be at church on Sunday. Felt good, I am definitely counting my blessings. This whole trip is such a great experience I have just been feeling so blessed ! I received Eucharist  and went back to my seat and prayed. This honestly felt so good, I prayed for my loved ones and thanked God for giving my life so much balance. 

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