Monday, October 8, 2012

Fattoria San Donato

Allora , 
Haha, I have been dying to use that word! That is probably the most common word used in Italy.For one of my classes, we went on a field trip. The trip was scheduled at night so the quality of my pictures are not that great but I got a few. Fattoria San Donato is a farm, they have vineyards and wineries, wine and oil...and lots of other products. The farm is owned by a family, so a few of the wines are named after the owners daughters which is pretty cool. This place was nice, although it was dark and I couldn't view the whole place I seen where the wine was stored and got to talk with the owners. When we arrived the place was set up for us, the owners had tables set up for us with tons of food. This food was all made by them to welcome our group. We had baked bread with olive oil (SO GOOD, especially warm), salami, cheeses, and Prosciutto which i realized i love (aged ham). Here are some pictures...

Here is the link to San Donatoif interested in reading a bio

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