Friday, September 14, 2012


Buongiorno !

Today was just a laid back day, my roommates and I went out last night to one our favorite bars "Uncle Jimmies". It is different being in Italy, some places allow kids as young as 16 years old to buy alcohol. Crazy huh? I had planned to go to the market today to pick up some dinner. That is something else that I need to get the hang of, Food shopping where is my mom when i need her lol. I am getting pretty good, but Italian food shopping is way different. We have smaller refrigerators, therefore we can only buy small amounts of food. Italians go to the supermarket almost every day of the week, no such thing as going to the market and stocking up! So we went to a new place today, this place is called "Mercato" which just means market. One of my professors took my class to visit the mercato and showed us the good people to buy from, and what is authentic. Apparently colored pasta is an american thing (us tourists get amazed when we see color.). The market is so cool to see, so many different stands of meats, cheeses, pastas, fruits and veggies. This market in my opinion is way better than going to the boring ol supermarket.Only thing is everything is right in front of your eyes, pig heads, ducks, rabbits....I rather not know what my food looks like before its skinned and cut! But atleast I know its fresh! I got some pollo today, which is chicken I got about half a breast i realized chicken is probably the easiest thing for me to cook, considering I am no chef. But I am slowly learning ! I picked up some strawberries and peaches as well, mind as well get some fresh fruits to balance out all the pasta I have been eating! Funny thing I forgot to mention is most places charge for you to have your stuff bagged ! 8 cents for a plastic bag at the regular grocery store we have been going to occasionally, so like in true Italian style i bought my own shopping bag. Now I am shopping in style with my cute little pink shopping tote (which I picked up at the 1 euro store that i so proud about!) Well that pretty much wraps up my day today...Going to take a nap, hopefully get some reading done, and watch the Kardashians tonight ! One of the girls in my apartment gave us a website(because apparently Netflix doesn't exist is Europe smh) that we can watch shows on Thank the lord because this Italian TV is not going to cut it , not for a while at least. I'm going to cook my dinner, bow macaroni chicken (finally found some garlic powder to season with) and some sauce i bought today hope i like it !Can't forget how excited I was when i found sugar..i haven't been able to find it, everywhere sells individual packets so inconvenient! AND tonight i am on a mission to find the "secret bakery" with my fellow traveling friend.

Ciao !

Here are some fun photos from last night, from the mercato, my fresh fragolas (strawberries), and my tiny refrigerator  ....Ciao xoxo
P.s Ma i went back and capitalized all my lower case i's just for you Ti amo :)

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