Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Odds & Ends

As promised here are some photos from Brunch & Futbol...

As I was reading some of my previous blog posts I realized I have only shared good experiences. I love Firenze BUT there is definitely some things that have been annoying. In order to picture my full experience I think i should tell all. So here it goes....hahaha.
1. The sidewalks are so small, literally one person can walk on it at a time, this might not sound like a problem but because the sidewalks are so small and I live on a small ride up on the whole curb as they turn corners !
2. Everyone rides a Vespa or a bike, thats great and all but those people think they can just ride in the middle of the street, and ring their bells lol. The driving here is so crazy my poor toes have come close to getting ran over so many times !
3. I know this might sound crazy but the bugs are KILLING ME. I must have some sweet blood because everyday i wake up with millions of bites (i even have one on my ear lobe.)
4. Nobody smiles here...I have learned that once you do smile at someone this means you want to initiate conversation, this makes it so easy to figure out who is Italian or not (all the americans are always smiling lol)
5. People are rude...No one moves out of the way. This is awful when the sidewalks are narrow because you are forced to walk in the street when no one moves.
Well those are the few minor things that have been driving me crazy while here...but I am adjusting and even with those little things I STILL LOVE FIRENZE (Florence). Ok i'm done being a drama queen...Ciao xoxo!
Actually I forgot to mention how I dropped mu ipod :( My ipod has been my main source of communication since i have been here because i have figured out I can text and video chat for free ! But of course it slipped out of my hands and BAM, fell and shattered. Good thing is I can still use it but it looks awful, but beggers can't be choosers happy to say I am still using it !


  1. what are the grandmas like then? r they mean? i though u wrote BLOGGERS can't be choosers! lol

  2. they are so mean, no smiles ! Oh I forgot EVERYONE smokes here...I think it is seen as glamorous everyone does it . Even workers standing outside of their stores or restaurants.
