Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week one

First Week overview ....

Ciao !!!
Okay here it is ...i finally had a minute to sit down and  do this, i have been saying i would blog and haven't had the time. I have been pretty good at posting my pictures on Facebook/instagram. But i feel like writing will help people see how much i am loving Italy !!! I finished my first week of classes last Friday !My classes are all going well, nothing to exciting happening yet. I have been strolling around Florence during my breaks between classes or after classes on my own, i love it...just walking around and seeing all of the fab window displays makes me smile. Fashion is everywhere here, everyone is so fashionable, women ride "vespers" (mopeds) with 5 inch heels about talent. One thing i can't understand is the smoking, EVERYONE smokes in Italy. But i can get over that because everything else is so beautiful.I just got back from my weekend trip. THAT WAS GORGEOUS. i enjoyed every moment of it.Pompeii was not what i expected at all, i felt like i was in a scene in a movie with knights in armor. It was fascinating to see a town that was once hidden. Sorrento was nice as well, we went to a limoncello factory, where the drinks were freshly made and got to taste some samples. We stayed the night and were off to Capri...this was my favorite! I loved it it was dreamy , this is a perfect place for couples.Sailing in the water was so soothing, the water was blue blue...we even got the chance to jump out our boat in swim in the water. LOVED IT! That's pretty much all for now.....Ciao xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Raven ...first week review was so good! i feel like i am living through you!
